The highest standard in open-circuit spirometry, lung volumes, diffusion, respiratory mechanics and more… PFT in one station! The ideal device for accurate spirometry, lung volumes and diffusion measurements, for children and adults.
- Compact system on trolley or table-top configuration
- Expair II software, with complete operator and patient guidance
- Start with any available option and upgrade over time
- Low cost of operation, low maintenance
All measurement programs in the Medisoft HypAir PFS are controlled by the powerful Expair software featuring the following testing options.
Complete basic Spirometry: Forced Vital Capacity, Slow Vital Capacity, Maximum Voluntary Ventilation and Minute Tidal Ventilation including bronchochallenge testing software.including bronchochallenge testing software.
Choice of FRC methods: UNIQUE: Medisoft, the only manufacturer featuring a choice of 2 lung volumes met
- FRC method by N2 washout, LCI (Lung Clearance Index) and CV (Closing Volume)
- FRC method by Helium dilution
Choice of 6 DLCO Options: UNIQUE: Medisoft, the only manufacturer featuring a choice of 6 diffusion methods to complete the system:
- Single Breath with Helium trace gas He
- Rapid gas analysis Diffusion test, Single Breath using Helium trace gas (He)
- Rapid gas analysis Diffusion test, Single Breath using Methane trace gas (CH4 )
- Intra Breath diffusion with Cardiac Output (Qc)
- DLCO-NO dual diffusion method (Trace gas He) (EXCLUSIVE) with membrane diffusion (DM) and Capillary blood volume (Vc), now used for POST-COVID patients evaluation
- Steady State diffusion TlCo ss (EXCLUSIVE)