With the new BreezeSuite version 8.6, MGC Diagnostics has added the option for performing a 6MWT. “The six minute walk test is not just reserved for RT departments and PFT labs using MGC Diagnostic BreezeSuite”, said Robert Simms, VP of Novus Medical. “The best part is we can do a stand alone tablet with the six minute walk test software on it, for those departments that are not yet MGC users.”. “For MGC users, the 6MWT data gets inserted directly into the patient visit on the BreezeSuite database.”
6 Minute Walk Test
6MWT Recorder
The MGC Diagnostics 6MWT uses the Nonin bluetooth WristOx as it’s oximeter and when connected to a Windows 10 tablet, can produce reports that can be easily printed to networked printers. The software prompts the user with a set script, recommended by the ATS/CTS, to give the patient feedback. The software keeps track of the distance travelled, SPO2, HR, dyspnea scale, leg fatigue, therapist notes and collection of data can be paused.
The 6MWT option will soon be available on the all new MGC Diagnostics Ascent Cardio-pulmonary software. Stay tuned.