Infant Nasal CPAP, used for treating infants, has developed a great deal in the past 20 years with many devices now available. Inspire nCPAP™ from Inspiration Healthcare builds on the experience of the past to provide caregivers with a cost effective solution for supporting the respiratory compromised infant. nCPAP works well when the added work of breathing is reduced, ensuring the infants do not tire so quickly and allowing them to use energy to grow. Using established fluidic principles, the Inspire nCPAP range is more effective than traditional methods of delivering Infant Nasal CPAP.

- Infant Nasal CPAP is proven to be beneficial in supporting infants with respiratory problems.
- Comprehensive range of prongs and masks.
- Masks and prongs are colour-coded for ease of recognition and use.
- Designed using proven fluidic principles.
- Simple fixation with bonnets to fit most infants.
- Inspire generators are available with and without patient delivery circuits for greater flexibility.