Freeman Ellis Staley was born April 25, 2015. He spent 3.5 months in the Arkansas Children’s NICU in Little Rock. His parents, Will and Misti spent every day by his side cheering him on. Freeman was discharged with a g-tube, gravity feeds during the day and pump feeds at night.
While home, Misti and Will were overwhelmed with tube feeding their son. They had medicines to add to his feeds, and multiple therapies to perform all while holding Freeman, and his gravity syringe feeds. They needed an extra hand, so they created one…the FreeArm!
After 5 hard, but wonderful, weeks at home, Freeman’s breathing became labored and Will and Misti returned to the hospital with Freeman for a chest x-ray. Freeman and his family spent another long 5 months in the PICU before Freeman lost his battle with pulmonary hypertension at almost 10 months old, the day after Valentine’s Day 2016.
It has been 6 years since Will and Misti lost Freeman. They are happy to continue Freeman’s legacy of love through the FreeArm, making IV infusions, gravity and pump feeding easier for families and hospital staff around the world.